האקדמית ת"א יפו > ד"ר אלקנה אודליה
מדעי התנהגות תואר ראשון
ראשת המגמה לנוירופסיכולוגיה שיקומית, פסיכולוגית שיקומית מומחית ומדריכה. לאודליה תואר דוקטור בנוירופסיכולוגיה ובחקר המוח מהאוניברסיטה העברית שבירושלים. היא מרצה בכירה וחוקרת תחומים הקשורים לתפקודי חשיבה, לאבחון נוירופסיכולוגי, לפלסטיות מוחית ולרזרבות קוגניטיביות.
ד”ר אלקנה יצרה שיתופי פעולה במחקרים קליניים עם המרכזים הרפואיים המובילים בארץ, העוסקים בפיתוח ובאיתור כלים המאבחנים ירידה קוגניטיבית באוכלוסייה המבוגרת והמשכילה, בקשר שבין גוף לנפש ובהפרעות כאב כרוני. בחלק ממחקריה המתבצעים במעבדה הנוירופסיכולוגית שהקימה באקדמית תל־אביב-יפו היא משתפת סטודנטיות וסטודנטים שלהן ולהם תואר ראשון ושני.
מאמריה פורסמו בכתבי עת מובילים, כמו: Cortex, Neuropsychology Review, Psychiatry Research, World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, Personality and Individual Differences.
ד"ר אודליה אלקנה הייתה עורכת חברה בכתב העת היוקרתי (JAD) Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
נוירופסיכולוגיה קלינית: תפקודי חשיבה, אבחון נוירופסיכולוגי, פלסטיות מוחית ורזרבות קוגניטיביות.
נוירופסיכולוגיה קלינית, נוירופתולוגיה ואבחון נוירופסיכולוגי מקיף.
April 2023, Poster Presented at the 5th Conference of the European Professional Association for Transgender Health (EPATH). Ireland. “Evaluation of the emotional and cognitive effects of hormone therapy in transgender people”.
March 2022, Paper Presented at the 20th European Congress of Internal Medicine (ECIM 2022), Malaga, Spain. “The Hun is at the gate: Emotional distress among female and male physicians on the brink of the COVID-19 outbreak in Israel”.
March 2022, Paper Presented at the 16th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy 2022), virtually. “Does phonemic verbal fluency rely primarily on a switching strategy and semantic verbal fluency on a clustering strategy? A longitudinal study of healthy older adults”.
November 2021, Poster (English) presented at the Annual Conference of Rehabilitation Division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA), Israel. “Is the SIMS a valid tool for the detection of PTSD malingering?”.
November 2021, Poster (English) presented at the Annual Conference of Rehabilitation Division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA), Israel. “Does phonemic verbal fluency rely primarily on a switching strategy and semantic verbal fluency on a clustering strategy? A longitudinal study of healthy older adults”.
November 2021, Poster (English) presented at the Annual Conference of Rehabilitation Division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA), Israel. “Does the New Subjective Measures of Cognitive Decline in Fibromyalgia Patients Evaluate Cognition? Data from Subjective and Objective Cognitive Measures”.
November 2021, Poster (English) presented at the Annual Conference of Rehabilitation Division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA), Israel. “Risk and protective factors for psychological distress during COVID-19 in Israel”.
November (2020), Poster (English) presented at the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Annual Meeting. Zoom, “Pain in the Time of Corona: Impact of COVID 19 outbreak on fibromyalgia patients".
November (2020), Poster (English) presented at the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Annual Meeting. Zoom, “subjective and objective measures of cognitive impairment: fibromyalgia patients”.
October (2020), Paper Presented at the 14th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy 2020). Zoom, “Can the RAVLT predict deterioration from MCI to dementia?”.
July (2020), Poster (English) presented at the International Neuropsychological Society (INS). Zoom, “A modified version of the 2016 ACR fibromyalgia criteria cognitive item achieves improved correlation between subjective and objective measures of cognitive impairment”.
July (2020), Poster (English) presented at the International Neuropsychological Society (INS). Zoom, “Does the MoCA evaluate cognition in Fibromyalgia? Data from computerized cognitive assessment versus MoCA screening test”.
March (2020), Poster (English) presented at the Neuropsychological society, Israel. “A modified version of the 2016 ACR fibromyalgia criteria cognitive item achieves improved correlation between subjective and objective measures of cognitive impairment”.
March (2020), Poster (English) presented at the Neuropsychological society, Israel. "Quantitative Meta-Analyses: Lateralization of Memory Functions Before and After Surgery in Children with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy".
March (2020), Poster (English) presented at the Neuropsychological society, Israel. "Can the RAVLT predict deterioration from MCI to dementia?”
March (2020), Poster (English) presented at the Neuropsychological society, Israel. Does the MoCA evaluate cognition in Fibromyalgia? Data from computerized cognitive assessment versus MoCA screening test".
November )2019), Poster (English) presented at the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Annual Meeting. Atlanta, IL. ” Good Pain, Bad Pain: Illness Perception and Physicians Attitude Towards Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Patients”.
November (2019), Poster presentation (English) at the annual conference of Rehabilitation division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA). Israel. “Alexithymia – Data from Children with High Function ASD”.
November (2019), Poster presentation (English) at the annual conference of Rehabilitation division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA). Israel.
“Short vs Long Duration of Facial Recognition – Data from Children with High-Functioning Autism”.
November (2019), Poster presentation (English) at the annual conference of Rehabilitation division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA). Israel. “Paradoxical Response Following Hypnotic Relaxation: Conversion Disorder versus Functional Somatic Syndromes”.
June (2019), Poster presentation (English) at the international society of gait and posture research (ISPGR) Scotland. “Specific gait measures predict cognitive decline in highly educated older adults”.
March (2019), Poster presentation (English) at the Neuropsychological society, Israel. “A novel highly engaging method of ToM deficit assessment in high functioning ASD children, using popular cartoons. A preliminary study”.
February (2019), Poster presentation (English) at the International Neuropsychological Society (INS). New York. "Gait measures predict Cognitive decline in Highly Educated Older Adults: 4-year Longitudinal Study".
February (2019), Poster presentation (English) at the International Neuropsychological Society (INS). New York. "Is the Cutoff of the MoCA too high? Longitudinal Data from Highly Educated Older Healthy Adults".
December (2018), Poster Presentation (English) at the annual conference of Rehabilitation division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA). Israel. "Development and Validation of an Arabic Version of the Word Memory Test (WMT)”.
December (2018), Poster Presentation (English) at the annual conference of Rehabilitation division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA). Israel. "Is the Cutoff of the MoCA too high? Longitudinal Data from Highly Educated Older Healthy Adults ".
December (2018), Poster Presentation (English) at the annual Neurological Meeting (INA). Israel. “Can the RAVLT Predict Deterioration from MCI to Dementia?
December (2018), Paper Presented, at the Rehab Science & Technology update (RSTU). Israel. "A Randomized Trial on the Effect of Acute Physical Exercise and Cognitive Exercise Simultaneously and Separately on Cognitive Performance and Mood State".
October (2018), Paper Presented at the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. "Validity of the cognitive index of the symptom Severity Scale (SSS-Cog) in Assessing Cognitive Impairment in Fibromyalgia”.
July (2018), Paper Presented at the International Neuropsychological Society (INS). Prague. "The WAIS Information Subtest as an Indicator of Crystallized Intelligence and Brain Reserve among Highly Educated Older Adults: A 3 years Longitudinal Study”.
November (2017), Poster Presentation (English) at the annual conference of Rehabilitation division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA). Israel. "Openness to experience is associated with Improvement of executive function Following Acute Physical Exercise: Randomized Controlled Trial".
November (2017), Poster Presentation (English) at the annual conference of Rehabilitation division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA). Israel "The WAIS Information Subtest as an Indicator of Crystallized Intelligence and Brain Reserve among Highly Educated Older Adults: A 3 years Longitudinal Study".
November (2017), Poster Presentation (English) at the annual conference of Rehabilitation division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA). Israel. "Higher Physical Fitness Level is Associated with Better Processing Speed in Highly Functioning Adults".
November (2017), Poster Presentation (English) at the annual conference of Rehabilitation division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA). Israel. "Physical Activity Level mediates the Association between Age and Processing Speed in High Functioning, Mid to Late Age Healthy Adult".
November (2017), Poster Presentation (English) at the annual conference of Rehabilitation division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA). Israel. "Pain Catastrophizing is mediating the Association between Trait Mindfulness and Psychological Distress in Chronic Pain Syndrome".
May (2017), Paper Presented at the International Conference on Neuropsychology and Brain Research (ICNBR). Barcelona. "Executive Functions Directly Associated with Severity of Perceived Pain, above and beyond Depression, in the Context of Medical Rehabilitation".
May (2017), Paper Presented at the Israeli Forum for Neuropsychoanalysis. IPA. Israel. "A Downward Spatial – Bodily – Motor Bias in Patients with Conversion Disorder (CD)".
February (2017), Invited Lecture at the Annual Memory Conference Tel-Aviv University. EMDA – the Alzheimer's Association of Israel. "Neuropsychological Assessment- Memory Tests".
February (2017), Poster Presentation (English) at the Neuropsychological society, Israel. "Conscientiousness Level is associated with Improvement of Visuospatial Working Memory and Positive Mood Following Acute Physical Exercise: Randomized Controlled Trial".
February (2016), Paper Presented at the Rehab Science & Technology update (RSTU). Israel. "Higher fasting plasma glucose levels, within the normal range, are associated with decreased processing speed in high functioning young elderly".
February (2016), Paper Presented at the Rehab Science & Technology update (RSTU). Israel. "Executive deficits associated with pain perception, beyond depression".
February (2016), Poster Presentation (English) at the Neuropsychological society, Israel. "Neurocognitive and emotional characteristics of preterm birth: long term consequences".
February (2016), Poster Presentation (English) at the Rehab Science & Technology update (RSTU). Israel. "Neuropsychological Markers of Suicidal Risk".
February (2016), Poster Presentation (English) at the Neuropsychological society, Israel. "Neuropsychological Markers of Suicidal Risk".
February (2016), Poster Presentation (English) at the Neuropsychological society, Israel. "The effect of acute physical and cognitive exercises on cognition and mood".
December (2015), Poster Presentation (English) at the annual conference of Rehabilitation division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA). Israel.
"Sensitivity of neuropsychological tests to identify cognitive decline in highly educated elderly individuals. 12 months follow up".
December (2015), Poster Presentation (English) at the annual conference of Rehabilitation division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA). Israel. "Neurocognitive and emotional characteristics of preterm birth: long term consequences".
December (2015), Poster Presentation (English) at the annual conference of Rehabilitation division of Israel Psychological Association (IPA). Israel.
"The effect of acute physical and cognitive exercises on cognition and mood".
June (2015), Invited Lecture at the 23rd Tel-Aviv University Alzheimer's disease Conference. Israel. "Higher normal blood glucose level are associated with decreased processing speed in high functioning young elderly".
February (2009), Invited Lecture at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Speech Hearing and Language Association. Israel. “The use of fMRI to explore linguistic brain reorganization following cerebral vascular accident (CVA)”.
June (2008), Paper Presented at the Israeli Association of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine. Israel. “Brain plasticity and recovery from aphasia”.
February (2008), Poster Presentation (English) at the International Neuropsychological Society (INS), Hawaii. ” Hemispheric lateralization following recovery from childhood insult depends on age at onset: Longitudinal fMRI data.
November (2007), Keynote Lecture at the Israeli Association of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine. Israel. “Patterns of brain language organization as a function of linguistic performance following recovery from childhood insults to the language dominant hemisphere”.
November (2007), Paper Presented, at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of P&RM. Israel. Pre-Congress Workshop “Brain Plasticity and Functional recovery of aphasia patients”.
February (2007), Paper Presented at the International Neuropsychological Society (INS), Portland. “Neuroanatomical Representation of Language Recovery Following Unilateral Brain Damage in Children: Preliminary Data from fMRI and Neuropsychological Testing”.
November (2006), Paper Presented at the Israeli Association of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine. Israel. “Reorganization of language functioning following focal brain lesions in children: Data from fMRI and neuropsychological testing”.
October (2006), Poster Presentation (English)at the Sixth Mediterranean Congress of PRM, Portugal. (Best Poster Award) “Reorganization of language after focal lesion in children: Data from fMRI and linguistic tests”.
February (2006), Poster Presentation (English) at the Israeli society for neuroscience (ISFN). Israel. ‘Neuroanatomical Representation of Language Recovery following focal lesion to the dominant hemisphere”.
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