האקדמית ת"א יפו > פרופ' דן הופיין
פסיכולוגיה תואר שני
פרופ' הופיין חבר בסגל בית הספר למדעי ההתנהגות שבמכללה. הוא פסיכולוג שיקומי ורפואי ומדריך וכן חוקר ומלמד במגמה לתואר שני בנוירופסיכולוגיה קלינית שיקומית. את עיקר הכשרתו האקדמית עשה באוניברסיטת תל־אביב. במשך שנים רבות היה חבר סגל בחוג לפסיכולוגיה של האוניברסיטה העברית עד שפרש לגמלאות וגם בין מקימיו של המכון הלאומי לשיקום נוירופסיכולוגי. הוא ניהל אתהמכון במשך 40 שנים, חקר בו את ההשלכות ארוכות הטווח של פגיעה מוחית נרכשת ופיתח שיטות אבחון וטיפול קוגניטיבי, התנהגותי ונפשי.
בנוסף לעיסוקיו האקדמיים, פרופ' דני הופיין חוקר את ההיבטים המקצועיים והאיכותיים של הפסיכולוגיה הציבורית ושל הפסיכולוגיה השיקומית והנוירופסיכולוגיה הקלינית בארץ ובעולם. מחקריו עוסקים במגוון נושאים נוירופסיכולוגיים קליניים, ובעיקר בתגובות הרגשיות לפגיעה מוחית, כמו דיכאון, חרדה והתנפצות אקסיסטנציאליסטית.
Book Editing
Vakil, E; Hoofien, D; & Groswasser, Z. (Eds.) (1990) Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Person: A Neuropsychological Perspective. London, Freud Publishing House. 198 pages.
Chapters in Books
1. Ben-Yishay, Y; Cohen, A; Gross, Y; Hoofien, D; Rattock, J; & Diller, L. (1978) Digest of a two year comprehensive clinical research program for out-patient head injured Israeli war veterans. Monograph; Working Approaches to Remediation of Cognitive Deficits in Brain Damaged. N.Y.U. Medical Center. Institute for Rehabilitation Medicine; Chap 1, 1-61.
2. Ben-yishay, Y; Rattock, J; Ross, B; Hoofien, D; Lakin, A; & Diller, L. ( 1981) A modular approach to cognitive remediation of visual information processing deficits in head-trauma patients. Monograph; Working Approaches to Remediation of Cognitive Deficits in Brain Damaged. N.Y.U. Medical Center. Institute for Rehabilitation Medicine; Chap.1.
3. Hoofien, D; Ben-yishay, Y. (1982) Neuropsychological therapeutic community rehabilitation of brain-injured adults. In Lahav, E. (Ed.) Psycho-Social Research in Rehabilitation. Tel Aviv, Ministry of Defence Publishing House, (Hebrew).
4. Hoofien, D; (1985) Neuropsychological Community Rehabilitation of Persons with Brain Injuries. In E. Lahav (Ed.) Thirty-Five Years of Rehabilitation. Tel Aviv, Ministry of Defense Publishing House, (Hebrew).
5. Hoofien, D; (1987) Attention rehabilitation. In Mazzucchi, A. (Ed.) Cognitive Rehabilitation. Rome, Il Mlino. (Italian).
6. Hoofien, D; Vakil, E; Cohen, G; and Shelef, P. (1988) Neuropsychological Rehabilitation of Persons with Brain Injuries. In E. Lahav (Ed.), Forty Years of Rehabilitation. Tel Aviv, Ministry of Defense Publishing House. (Hebrew).
7. Hoofien, D; Vakil, E; Cohen, A; & Shelef, P. (1990) Neuropsychological rehabilitation Treatment of Persons with Brain Injuries. In A. Ohri & A. Shaked (Eds.) Introduction to Rehabilitation Medicine. Tel Aviv, Ministry of Defense Publishing House. (Hebrew).
8. Hoofien, D; Vakil, E; Cohen, G; & Sheleff, P. (1990) Empirical results of a ten-year follow-up study on the effects of a neuropsychological rehabilitation program: A revaluation of chronicity. In: (#2) E. Vakil, D. Hoofien, & Z. Groswasser, (Eds.) Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Person: A Neuropsychological Perspective. London, Freud Publishing House.
9. Hoofien, D; Becker, M; & Vakil, E. (1991). Rehabilitation communities of the brain-injured patient – The National Institute for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured. In: S. Katz, & V. Florian, (Eds.) Returning the Individual with Traumatic Brain Injury to the Community: An Overview of Programs and Services in Israel. (Monograph No. 50) N.Y. World Rehabilitation Fund Publication.
10. Hoofien, D; (1998) Neuropsychological Rehabilitation of Persons with Brain Injuries in Conditions of Competitive Work-Market and High Technology. In A. Lahav (Ed.) Fifty Years of Rehabilitation. Tel Aviv, Ministry of Defense Publishing House. (Hebrew).
11. Hoofien, D; (2003) Ethics in Clinical Neuropsychology. In G. Shefler; Y. Achmon; & G. Veil. (Eds.) Ethics in Psychology and the Counseling Professions. Jerusalem. Magnes. (Hebrew).
12. Hoofien, D, Bar-Lev, N. (2008) Selective issues in neuropsychological evaluation: Malingering and estimations of pre-morbid abilities. In Yagil, D; Carmi, A; Zaki, M; Livni, A. (Eds.) Psychology, Law and ethics in Israel: Psychological Evaluation, Psychotherapy and Judicial Decisions. Haifa, Israel, Dyonon-Probook Publisihing House. pp 259-279. (Hebrew).
13. Bar-Lev, N, Hoofien, D. (2011) Forensic Neuropsychological Evaluation: Assessment of Pre-morbid Intellectual Abilities and Response Biases. In: D. Yagil & M. Zaki. (Eds.) Applied Forensic Psychology (Hebrew), Tel Aviv, Probook, pp. 231-242.
14. Vakil, E., Hoofien, D. (2016) The History of Clinical Neuropsychology in Israel. In W. Barr and L. A. Bielauslas (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the History of Clinical Neuropsychology New-York, NY. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199765683.013.17
15. Hoofien, D. (2018) A Clinical Model for Neuropsychological Rehabilitation of Patients with Brain Injuries: Primary, Secondary and Mediating Variables (Hebrew). The National Institute of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation.
16. Hoofien, D., Vakil, E. (2022) Cultural diversity and clinical neuropsychology in Israel: Neuropsychological rehabilitation within a boiling cultural, religious, and political melting pot. In: Irani, F. (Ed.) A Handbook of Cultural Diversity in Neuropsychological Assessment: Developing Understanding through Global Case Studies. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group
1. Hoofien, D(PI); (1979) Neuropsychodiagnostics – The problem of integration of cognitive deficits in assessment (Lecture, Hebrew). The 17th’ scientific meeting of the Israeli Psychological Association, Tel Aviv
2. Hoofien, D(PI); (1984) Rehabilitation of the mental and social functioning of persons with brain injuries in a community rehabilitation set-up (Lecture, Hebrew). The Annual Meeting of the Israeli Rehabilitation Association. Tel Aviv.
3. Hoofien, D(PI); (1985) Family treatment with families of persons with brain injuries. (Lecture, Hebrew). The Annual Meeting of the Israeli Rehabilitation Association. Jerusalem.
4. Hoofien, D(PI); (1985) Multi-modal rehabilitation of person with traumatic brain injuries (Lecture, Hebrew). The 20 th’ scientific meeting of the Israeli Psychological Association, Tel Aviv.
5. Hoofien, D(PI); (1987) Cognitive remediation of attention and memory deficits – Principals and applications (Lecture, Hebrew). The 21st’ scientific meeting of the Israeli Psychological Association, Jerusalem.
6. Hoofien, D(PI); (1987) Neuropsychological assessment – A practical interpretation of the Holistic approach (Lecture, Hebrew). The 21st’ scientific meeting of the Israeli Psychological Association, Tel Aviv.
7. Hoofien, D(PI); Vakil, E(c); Cohen, G(c); & Sheleff, P(c). (1987) Empirical results of a ten-year follow-up study on the effects of a neuropsychological rehabilitation program: A revaluation of chronicity (Lecture, Hebrew). The International Conference on Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Person: A Neuropsychological Perspective. Tel Aviv.
8. Hoofien, D(PI); (1987) A three-staged battery for the treatment of attention deficits (lecture, Hebrew). The International Conference on Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Person: A Neuropsychological Perspective. Tel Aviv.
9. Hoofien, D(PI); & Vakil, E(c). (1988) Group intervention for the acquisition of vocational maturity among patients with brain injury (Lecture, Hebrew). National Rehabilitation Conference. Tel Aviv.
10. Vakil, E(PI); Hoofien, D(c); & Blachstein, H(s). (1989) Acquisition of verbal and Non-verbal information by right vs. left brain injured patients. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 11, 74. (Paper presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada).
11. Vakil, E(PI); Hoofien, D(c); Sheleff, P(c); Blachstein, H(s); & Niego, O(c). (1990) Performance of left vs. right brain injured patients on long term delayed recall of verbal and non-verbal memory tests, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 12, 391-392. (Paper presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Conference, Innsbruck, Austria)
12. Blachstein, H(s); Vakil, E(PI); & Hoofien, D(c). (1990) Learning disability in CHI patients: An Acquisition and retention deficit. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 12, 92-93. (Paper presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Conference, Orlando, Florida)
13. Vakil, E(PI); Blachstein, H(s); & Hoofien, D(c). (1990) Automatic temporal order judgment: The effect of intentionality of retrieval on closed-head injured patients. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 12, 391. (Paper presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Conference, Innsbruck, Austria).
14. Vakil, E(PI); Arbel, N(s); Gozlan, M(s); Hoofien, D(c); & Blachstein, H(s). (1992) The relative importance of informational units, and its role in the long-term recall of closed-head injured and control groups. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 14, 75. (Paper presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Conference, San Diego)
15. Hoofien, D(PI); (1993) Combination of individual and group therapies among patients with brain injuries (Lecture, Hebrew). The 24th’ scientific meeting of the Israeli Psychological Association, Tel Aviv.
16. Hoofien, D(PI); Vakil, E(c); Donovick, P(c); & Lewizki, O(c). (1994) The predictive and concurrent relations of cognitive functioning and ADL among patients with TBI (Lecture, Hebrew). The Third Meeting of the Israeli Association of Ocupational Therapy. Tel Aviv.
17. Hoofien, D(PI); Vakil, E(c); & Gilboa, A(S). (1999) Criterion validation of pre-morbid intelligence estimation among persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 5, 2, 109. (Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston)
18. Donovick, P(PI); Burright, P(c); Shah, D(s); Achraya, D(c); Hoofien, D(c); & Vakil, E(c). (2000) Cognitive effects of brain injury: 10-20 years later. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 6, 2 (Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Denver).
19. Hoofien, D(PI); Gilboa, A(c); Vakil, E(c); & Donovick, P(c). (2000) Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) 10-20 years later: A comprehensive follow-up study of psychiatric symptomatology, cognitive abilities and psycho-social functioning. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 6, 4 (Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Brussels, Belgium).
20. Hoofien, D(PI); Ben Asher, K(c); Shafir, D(c); & Mozafi, R(c). (2000) A follow-up study of the rehabilitation outcomes of pre-vocational workshops (Lecture, Hebrew). The annual meeting of the Association of Social Workers in Rehabilitation, Ramat-Gan, Israel
21. Hoofien, D(PI); Gilboa, A(c); & Vakil, E(c). (2000) The relations between self-awareness and psychiatric symptomatology and daily functioning among patients with traumatic brain injuries (Lecture, Hebrew). Psychology 2000 Conference. Haifa, Israel.
22. Wasserman, A(c); Mimran, J(c); & Hoofien, D(PI). (2001) A controlled study of the effectiveness of attention and memory training in an intensive neuropsychological rehabilitation program (Poster, Hebrew). The third annual meeting of The Israeli Neuropsychological Association. Beer-Sheba, Israel.
23. Hoofien, D(PI); Barak, O(c); Vakil, E(c); & Gilboa, A(c). (2001) Depression after TBI: Affective contents or cognitive/somatic symptoms. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 7, 4, (Lecture presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Brasilia, Brazil.)
24. Hoofien, D(PI); Wasserman, A(c); Mimran, J(c); Palmer, H(c); & Winocur, G(c). (2002) The Relative Efficacy of Attention and Memory Training in Patients with TBI. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 8 2, (Lecture presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Toronto, Canada)
25. Hoofien, D(PI); Gilboa, A(c); Vakil, E(c). & Barak, O(c). (2002) Unawareness of cognitive deficits and daily functioning in persons with TBI. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 8 4, (Lecture presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Stockholm, Sweden).
26. Hoofien, D(PI); Bloch, A(s); Barak, O(c). (2003) An experimental investigation of awareness of deficits and behavior among persons with TBI. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 9 4, (Lecture presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Berlin, Germany).
27. Barak, O(c); Hoofien, D(PI). (2003) Evaluation of psychiatric symptomatology among persons with TBI. (Lecture, Hebrew) The annual conference of the Israeli Association of Social Workers in Rehabilitation.
28. Hoofien, D(PI); (2003) The frontal lobes: Instincts, conditioning and values – Introduction to the Time/Value theory (Key note-speaker, Hebrew). The annual meeting of the Israeli Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Bio-Feedback. The Sheeba Medical Center, Ramat Gan, Israel.
29. Ditto, (Key note-speaker, Hebrew) The Israeli Psychological Association’s meeting on learning disabilities and personality. Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
30. Hoofien, D(PI); Gilboa, A(c); Vakil, E(c). & Barak, O(c). (2004). Traumatic brain injury: Long term outcomes and prediction of functioning (Key note-speaker, Hebrew). The 6th’ International Conference on Road Accidents, Rescue and Rehabilitation. The College of Management, Academic Studies, Israel.
31. Hoofien, D(PI); (2004) Neuropsychological aspects of executive functioning. (Key-note speaker, Hebrew) The annual meeting of the Orton Dyslexia Association in Israel. Tel Aviv University.
32. Serebro, K(s); Ben-Shachar, G(PI); Hoofien, D(PI); (2005) Attentional manifestations of apathy and disinhibition in persons with brain injuries: A psycho-physiological approach. Poster presented at the 33rd meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
33. Hoofien D(PI); Horowitz, H(s); (2005) Time and value aspects of decision-making: A dissociation between Dorsolateral and Orbitofrontal brain structures? Lecture (Hebrew) presented at the annual meeting of the Israeli Neurosychological Society. Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
34. Hoofien, D(PI); (2005) Neuropsychological evaluation and treatment of neurocognitive disabilities. (Key-note speaker, Hebrew) The 4th' National Conference on the Treatment of Persons with Mental Retardation. Tel Aviv, Israel.
35. Hoofien, D(PI), Anski-Lipkin, D(S); (2005) Economic effectiveness of post brain-injury neuropsychological rehabilitation: Methods and review of main findings. Lecture (Hebrew) presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Israeli society for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: “Rehabilitation 2005 – Challenges and Innovations. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
36. Hoofien, D(PI), Or-Noy, S(C), Bar-Lev, N(PI), Barak. O(PI), Weisman, D(PI); (2005) Mab”at: Quality control of neuropsychological-rehabilitation interventions: Structure and preliminary findings. Lecture (Hebrew) presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Israeli society for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: “Rehabilitation 2005 – Challenges and Innovations. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
37. Sharoni, L(S), Hofien, D(PI); (2005) Reliability and validity of the Hebrew version of the PCRS (Patient Competency Rating Scale) as a measurement of self awareness after traumatic brain injury. Lecture (Hebrew) presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Israeli society for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: “Rehabilitation 2005 – Challenges and Innovations. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
38. Barak, O(PI), Wasserman, A(PI), Hoofien, D(C); (2005) Group attention-training among persons with TBI. Poster (Hebrew) presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Israeli society for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: “Rehabilitation 2005 – Challenges and Innovations. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
39. Bloch, A(S), Hoofien, D(PI); (2005) An experimental investigation of the associations between deficits of self-awareness and behavior among persons with brain injuries. Lecture (Hebrew) presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Israeli society for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: “Rehabilitation 2005 – Challenges and Innovations. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
40. Cohen, I(PI), Bonda-Shkedi, E(S), Hoofien, D(PI), Ben Arush Weil, M(C), Kaplinsky, C(C), Ash, S(C), Goshen, Y(C), Yaniv, Y(C); (2005) The correlation between dose of Folinic acid and neurotoxicity in children and adolescents treated with high dose Methotrexate: A neuropsychological and psychological study. Paper presented at the 37th’ Annual conference of The International Society of Pediatric Oncology, SIOP 2005, Vancouver, Canada. Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 45, 536.
41. Hoofien, D(PI), Korem, M(S), Weshler, A(S); (2006) Study of the Interactive Relations between Risk-taking, Cognitive-Impulsivity and Valence on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Poster presented at the 37th’ Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MS, USA.
42. Sharoni, L(S), Hoofien, D(PI) ; (2006) A validation study of a Hebrew version of the Patient Competency Rating Scale. Poster (Hebrew) presented at the The Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neuropsychological Society, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
43. Heled, E(S), Hoofien, D(PI); (2006) A preliminary validation study of a Heberw version of the Card Sorting Test (Dellis & Kaplan). Poster (Hebrew) presented at the The Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neuropsychological Society, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
44. Hoofien, D(PI), Korem, M(S), Weshler, A(S); (2006) Study of the Interactive Relations between Risk-taking, Cognitive-Impulsivity and Valence on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Poster (Hebrew) presented at the The Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neuropsychological Society, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
45. Hoofien, D(PI), Salti, M(PI), Barak, O(C), Weisman, D(C), Bar-Lev, N(CO). (2007) Preliminary results of a quality control study of three neuropsychological rehabilitation programs: Comprehensive day center, prevocational workshops and individual treatment. Paper (Hebrew) presented at the 58th’ annual meeting of the Israeli Association of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
46. Hoofien, D(PI), Sharoni, L(S). (2007) Unawareness of deficits among patients with brain injuries: Systematic differences between responders and between functional domains. Paper (Hebrew) presented at the 58th’ annual meeting of the Israeli association of rehabilitation and physical medicine. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
47. Abramowitz, A(PI). Weisman, D(C). Hoofien, D(PI). (2008) Improvement of memory functions through a memory-group training in a comprehensive neuropsychological rehabilitation program. Poster (Hebrew) presented at the annual meeting of the Israeli Neuropsychological Society, Haifa, Israel.
48. Barak, O(PI)., Peleg, G(s)., Harel, Y(C)., Rochberg, J(C)., and Hoofien, D(C). (2008) Hope and dispositional optimism as mediators of depression severity among persons with traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 22(1), 103-104.(Paper presented at the 7th World Congress on Brain Injury, Lisbon, Portugal)
49. Barak, O(PI)., and Hoofien, D(C). (2008) Psychotherapy following traumatic brain injury in persons with high vs. low levels of awareness. Brain Injury, 22(1), 104.(Paper presented at the 7th World Congress on Brain Injury, Lisbon, Portugal)
50. Hegedish, O(C)., Bar-Lev, N(C)., Hoofien, D(PI). (2008) Validation of the Hebrew version of the Word Memory Test: Response biases among patients with TBI before and after the determination of disability compensations. Paper (Hebrew) presented at the 59th’ annual meeting of the Israeli Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
51. Heled, E(S)., Hoofien, D(PI)., Bachar, E(PI)., Gur, E(C)., Ebstein, R(PI). (2008) Development of a quantitative analysis for the Five Points Test. Paper (Hebrew) presented at the 59th’ annual meeting of the Israeli Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
52. Heled, E(S)., Hoofien, D(PI)., Bachar, E(PI)., Gur, E(C)., Ebstein, R(PI). (2009) Cognitive Characteristics of Anorexia Nervosa Patients. Paper (Hebrew) presented at the annual meeting of the Israeli Neuropsychological Society, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
53. Hegedish, O(S)., Bar-Lev, N(C)., Hoofien, D(PI). (2009) Validation of the Hebrew version of the Word Memory Test. Poster (Hebrew) presented at the annual meeting of the Israeli Neuropsychological Society, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
54. Hegedish, O(C)., Kibilis, N(S)., Hoofien, D(PI). (2009) Validation of the Temporal Memory Sequence Test (TST): Preliminary results. Poster (Hebrew) presented at the annual meeting of the Israeli Neuropsychological Society, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
55. Hoofien, D(PI)., Shushan-Solomon(C), T., Weissmann(C), D., Barak(C), O., Bar Lev, N(C). (2009) Comparison of the efficacy of three neuropsychological rehabilitation programs: Day center, vocational workshops and individual therapy. Poster (Hebrew) presented at the annual meeting of ‘Home”sh’, The Israeli Association of Rehabilitation Social Workers. Tel Aviv, Israel.
56. E. Heled, E(S)., Hoofien, D(PI)., Bachar, E(PI)., Gur, E(C)., Vakil, E(PI)., Ebstein, R.P. (PI) (2009) Cognitive Characteristics of Patients with Anorexia Nervosa. Paper (Hebrew) presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders and Obesity. Maale Hachamisha Conference Center, Israel.
57. Hoofien, D(PI)., Hegedish, O(s)., Bar-Lev, N(C). (2009) Compensation Seeking, Socio-Economic Status And Severity of Injury As Predictors Of Effort In Neuropsychological Evaluation: A WMT Study. Poster Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Atlanta, Georgia.
58. Endelman, F(PI)., Zilbergerg D(s)., Gilboa A(c)., Hoofien, D(c)., Goldberg I(c)., Fried I(c)., Neufeld M(c). (2009) A Case of Bilateral Hippocampal Lesion and a Selective Impairment of the Ability for Mental Time Travel. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society. Helsinki, Finland.
59. Hoofien, D(PI)., Barak, O(C)., Bar-Lev, N(C)., Weissman, D(C)., Shushan, T(C). (2010, Accepted for presentation) Selection Biases and Efficacies of Three Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Programs: Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Day-Center, Pre-Vocational Workshops and Individually Tailor-Made Programs. Lecture (Hebrew) presented at the 61st' annual meeting of the Israeli Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
60. Hoofien, D(PI)., Barak, O(C)., Bar-Lev, N(C)., Weissman, D(C)., Shushan, T(C). (2011), Selection Biases and Efficacies of Three Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Programs: Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Day-Center, Pre-Vocational Workshops and Individually Tailor-Made Programs. Poster presented at the 39th' meeting of the International neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 17, 245.
61. Hoofien, D(PI). Bar-Lev, N(C)., Weissman, D(C)., Shushan, T(C) and Sharoni, L., (2011) Comparisons of the Long Term Effects of Three Comprehensive Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Programs among Patients with Acquired Brain Injuries. Lecture (Hebrew) presented at the 62nd' annual meeting of the Israeli Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
62. Hoofien, D(PI)., (2012) Comparisons of the Long Term Effects of Three Comprehensive Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Programs among Patients with Acquired Brain Injuries. Poster presented at the 40st' meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Montreal, Canada. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 18, 140.
63. Korem, M(s)., Hoofien, D(PI)., Sacher, Y(C). (2012) An Empirical Examination of the Association Between Awareness of Memory Problems and Compensatory Behaviors among Patients with Acquired Brain Injuries. Lecture (Hebrew) presented at the 63rd' annual meeting of the Israeli Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
64. Hoofien, D(PI); Salomon-Shushan, T; Weisman, D; Bar-Lev, N; Sharoni, L; Ben-Moshe, S. (2014) Examination of the Long-Term Efficacy of Three Out-Patient Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Programs for Patients with Acquired Brain Injuries. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 20, S2, pp. 18.
65. Kivilis-Meiri, N(s); Hoofien, D(PI). (2014) Predictors of Family Burden After Brain Injury in Adults – Before and After Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society, 20, S2, pp. 51.
66. Shani-Or, T(PI); Hoofien, D(PI). (2014) Predictors of community integration in acquired brain injury patients undergoing neuropsychological rehabilitation: The role of cognition, life satisfaction and mood. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society, 20, S2, pp. 52.
67. Heled, E(s); Hoofien, D(PI). Bachar, E(PI); Ebstein, R.P(PI). (2014) Extreme “Fragmented Perception” in TOCFT – A Neuropsychological Case Study of a patient with Anorexia Nervosa. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society, 20, S2, pp. 67.
68. Heled, E(s); Hoofien, D(PI). Bachar, E(PI); Ebstein, R.P(PI). (2014) Executive functions among current and recovered Anorexia Nervosa patients: Quantitative and qualitative analyses. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society, 20, S2, pp. 79.
69. Hoofien, D(PI)., (2015) Current theoretical explanations of the behavioral, emotional and cognitive functions of the pre-frontal lobes. Lecture (Hebrew) presented at the Annual Conference of the Israeli Psychiatric Association. Tel Aviv, Israel.
70. Hoofien, D(PI). (2015) Neuropsychology of the Human Frontal Lobes: From Theory to Practice. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Rehabilitation Division of the Israeli Psychological Association, Nir Etzion, Israel
71. Hoofien, D(PI)., (2015) Long-Term Effects of Out-Patient Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Programs for Persons with Acquired Brain Injuries. Keynote lecture at the annual meeting of the Brain Injury Trust, Manchester, U.K.
72. Bloch, A. Shushan, T. Hoofien, D(PI)., (2016) Evidence-based Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Examination of the Long-term Effects of Out-Patient Programs for Persons with Acquired Brain Injuries. Lecture (Hebrew). The annual meeting of the Rehabilitation Psychology Division. Nir-Etzion, Israel.
73. Marom, I(s)., Hoofien, D(PI). (2017) Self-Awareness, Error-Monitoring and Social Functioning Among Adults with Acquired Brain Injuries. Poster (Hebrew) presented at the annual meeting of the Israeli Neuropsychological Society, Raanana, Israel.
74. Hoofien, D(PI). (2017) Cognitive rehabilitation of memory deficits. Keynote lecture (Hebrew), Annual meeting of the Israeli Alzheimer Association. Tel-Aviv, Israel
75. Heled, E(PI). Rotberg, S(s). Yavich, R(s), Hoofien, D(C). (2017) The Tactual Span: A New Paradigm for Assessing Working Memory in the Tactile Modality: A Validation Study. Poster presented at the APA annual convention, Washington D.C. U.S.A.
76. Hoofien, D(PI). (2017) Neuropsychology of the Human Frontal Lobes: From Theory to Practice. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Rehabilitation Division of the Israeli Psychological Association, Ashkelon, Israel
77. Bloch, A., Kahana, D., Maril, S., Margalit, D., & Hoofien, D. (2018). Can the Personality Assessment Inventory be used in Hebrew-speaking individuals with acquired brain damage? Validity and clinical considerations. Talk presented at Rehab Science and Technology Update 2018. Tel Aviv, Israel.
78. Bloch, A., Kahana, D., Margalit, D., & Hoofien, D. (2018). The Personality Assessment Inventory in Hebrew-speaking individuals with acquired brain injury. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Mid-Year Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic.
79. Hoofien, D. (2018) Psychotherapy in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: How, When and Why ? Workshop presented at the 5th' convention of the Rehabilitation Section of the Israeli Psychological Association. Nir-Etzion, Israel.
80. Hoofien, D. (2019) Impairments in Executive Functions Following Acquired Brain Injury. Keynote lecture, ELEPAP 2nd Brain Injury Conference, Athens, Greece.
81. Hoofien, D. (2019) Application and Outcomes of Holistic Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in Israel. Keynote lecture, ELEPAP 2nd Brain Injury Conference, Athens, Greece.
82. Bloch, A., Maril, S., Hoofien, D., Shushan Salomon, T., Shany-Ur, T., & Bornstein, N.M. (2019). Neuropsychological assessment and community-based neurorehabilitation following stroke: A valid method? Poster presented at the 5th European Stroke Organization Conference. Milan, Italy.
83. Gur, N, Hegedish, O., Hoofien, D, & Pilowsky Peleg, T. (2020) The Temporal Memory Sequence Test (TMST) in Children. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Israeli Neuropsychological Society, Tel Aviv, |Israel.
84. Bloch, A; Shani-Ur, T; Sharoni, L; Bar-Lev, N; Salomon-Shushan, T; Maril, S; Drukman, T; Hoofien, D. (2020) Relationships between age, chronicity and community-based neuropsychological rehabilitation outcomes. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Vienna, Austria.
85. Sher, S; Goigold, R; Eyal, I; Galin, B; Shani-Ur, T; Levi, D; Hadar-Zalsttien, A; Bloch, A; Hoofien, D. (2021) Selected findings on the predictive power of pre-injury personality, psychopathology, social, family and vocational functioning, on post-injury mood, perceived quality of life and community integration, among persons with acquired brain injuries. Poster (Hebrew) presented at the annual meeting of the Rehabilitation Psychology Section of the Israeli Psychological Association (Winner of the ’Best Poster Prize’). Nir Etzion, Israel.
86. Hoofien, D. (2021) It is not only the kind of injury that matters but the kind of head. Lecture presented at The National Institute of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Conference in Memory of Professor Yehuda Ben-Yishay, Tel Aviv, Israel.
87. Hoofien, D. (2021) Yehuda Ben Yishay: His pioneer work on the holistic neuropsychological rehabilitation approach for acquired brain injuries. Lecture presented at the ELE PAP webinar on the Holistic Neuropsychological Approach to Brain Damage Rehabilitation. Athens, Greece.
88. Bloch, A; Hoofien, D; Shani-Ur, T; Cohen, E; Peretz, G. (2022). Between health and welfare: A proposed division between service systems, based on a model of rehabilitation of primary and secondary deficits. Lecture (Hebrew) presented at the 72nd’ Meeting of the Israeli Association for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
89. Hoofien, D; Ben Yosef, I. (2022). Post-traumatic existential shattering: Chaos, and incomprehensible uncertainty. Keynote lecture (Hebrew), The 10th’ annual conference of the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology, Israeli Psychological Association. Ashdod, Israel.
90. Bloch, A., Shany-Ur T., Maril S., & Hoofien, D. (2023). Defining the interdisciplinary continuum of brain injury rehabilitation in light of the ICF framework. Poster presented at 20th NR-SIG-WFNR Conference.
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