Kaplan Amit, Herbst-Debby Anat, Ebdeweld Miri and Achouche Noa (2023). Stratified patterns of adolescent employment and their relation to educational attainment. Journal of Youth Studies. 1-21.
Herbst-Debby Anat, Kaplan, Amit, Endeweld Miri and Achouche Noa (2023). Adolescent employment, family income and parental divorce. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 48. 100772
Kaplan, Amit (2022). “Just let it pass by and it will fall on some woman”: Invisible work in the labor market. Gender and Society, 36(6), 838-868.
Lavee, Einat and Kaplan, Amit (2022). Invisible work at work and the reproduction of gendered social service organizations. Gender, Work & Organization. 29(5), 1463-1480.
Endeweld, Miri, and Kaplan Amit (2022). The price of invisibility: the monetary value of unpaid work - a comparative look. Israeli Sociology, 23(2), 53-75. [Hebrew].
Kaplan Amit, Ben Dori Suzi and Herzog Hanna (2022). Gendered pandemic: ‘Invisible work’ in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Israeli Sociology, 23(2), 225-237. [Hebrew].
Kaplan Amit; Hashiloni-Dolev, Yael; and Kroløkke, Charlotte(2022). “My choice, my responsibility”: Views of Danish and Israeli female students on financing egg freezing”. Culture, Health, & Sexuality. 24(11), 1575-1589.
Endeweld Miri, Herbst-Debby Anat, and Kaplan Amit (2022). Do the privileged always win? Economic consequences of divorce by income and gender groups. Social Indicators Research. 159(1), 77-100. 159(1), 77-100.
Lavie, Noa; Kaplan, Amit; and Tal, Noy (2022). The Y Generation myth: Young Israelis’ perceptions of gender and family life. Journal of Youth Studies. 25(3): 380-399.
Herbst-Debby Anat, Endeweld Miri, and Kaplan Amit (2021). Differentiated routes to vulnerability: Marital status, children, gender, and poverty. Advances in Life Course Research. 49: 100418
Hashiloni-Dolev, Yael; Kaplan, Amit; Rasmussen, Caroline. A.; and Kroløkke, Charlotte (2020). Gamete preservation: Knowledge, concerns, and intentions of Israeli and Danish students regarding egg and sperm freezing. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 41(4): 957-965.
Kaplan Amit, Tali Pfefferman, and Shimrit Slonim; Hadass Ben Eliyahu, Hanna Herzog, Naomi Chazan, Ronna Brayer-Garb, and Gal Lipshitz. (2020). Making women’s invisible work visible: Removing hidden barriers to the equitable incorporation of Israeli women into the labor market. Jerusalem: Van Leer Institute [Hebrew].
Kaplan, Amit; Sabbah-Karkabi, Maha; and Herzog, Hanna (2020). “When I iron my son’s shirt, I feel my maternal role”: Making women’s invisible work visible. Journal of Family Issues. 41(9): 1525-1545.
Stier, Haya and Kaplan, Amit (2020). Are children a joy? Or a burden? Individual and macro-level characteristics and the perception of children. European Journal of Population. 36(2), 387-413.
Kaplan, Amit; Endeweld, Miri; and Herbst-Debby, Anat (2020). “The more the merrier? The effect on children of divorce in a pronatalist society” in Mortelmans, Dimitri (ed.) Divorce in Europe, pp. 123-143. Springer.
Kaplan, Amit and Herbst-Debby, Anat (2019). Mixed-ethnicity marriages and marital dissolution in Israel. Journal of Israeli History. 36(2): 291-312
Herbst-Debby, Anat; and Amit Kaplan (2018). Love in times of crisis: Gendered aspects of education, employment, and divorce. Megamot [“trends”], 53(2): 107-136 [Hebrew].
Herbst-Debby, Anat and Kaplan, Amit (2018). Fragile autonomy: The implications of divorce on mothers’ earnings following a welfare policy changes. Social Security Journal, 103:1-23 [Hebrew].
Kaplan, Amit and Herbst, Anat (2018). Fragile employment, liquid love: Employment instability and divorce in Israel. Population Research and Policy Review, 37: 1-31.
Kaplan, Amit and Sabah Karkaby, Maha (2018). Invisible Work in Israel. Jerusalem: the Center for the Advancement of Women in the Public Sphere (WIPS), Van Leer Institute [Hebrew].
Kaplan, Amit and Stier, Haya (2017). Political economy of family life: Couples’ earnings, welfare regime, and union dissolution. Social Science Research, 61: 43-56.
Herbst, Anat and Kaplan, Amit (2016). Mothers’ postdivorce earnings in the context of welfare policy change. International Journal of Social Welfare, 25: 222–234.
Kaplan, Amit and Herbst, Anat (2015). Stratified patterns of divorce: Earnings, education, and gender. Demographic Research, 32: 949-982.
Hashiloni-Dolev, Yael; Kaplan, Amit; and Shkedi, Shiri (2011). The fertility myth: Israeli students’ knowledge regarding age-related fertility decline and late pregnancies in an era of ART. Human Reproduction, 26(11): 3045-3053.
Lewin-Epstein, Noah; Kaplan, Amit; and Levanon, Asaf. (2003). Distributive justice and attitudes toward the welfare state. Social Justice Research, 16 (1): 1-27.