Yagil, D., Medler-Liraz, H. & Bichachi, R. (2023). Mindfulness and Self-Efficacy Enhance Employee Performance by Reducing Stress. Personality and Individual Differences. 207, 112150.
Seger- Guttmann, T. & Medler-Liraz, H. (2022). Flirting in service encounters: does the server’s sex matter? Journal of Services Marketing, 37 (5), 549-562.
Medler-Liraz, H. & Seger- Guttmann, T. (2021). The joint effect of flirting and emotional labor on customer service-related outcomes. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 102497.
Medler-Liraz, H. (2020). Customer incivility and tipping: the moderating role of agreeableness. Journal of Services Marketing, 34 (7), 955-966.
Seger- Guttmann, T. & Medler-Liraz, H. (2020). Does emotional labor color service actions in customer buying?. Journal of Services Marketing, 34 (5), 683-696.
Yagil, D. & Medler-Liraz, H. (2019). The effect of customer social status and dissatisfaction on service performance. Service Business, 13, 153-169.
Seger- Guttmann, T. & Medler-Liraz, H. (2018). Hospitality Service Employees' Flirting Displays: Emotional Labor or Commercial Friendship?. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 73, 102-107.
Medler-Liraz, H. & Seger- Guttmann, T. (2018). Authentic Emotional Displays, LMX and Emotional Exhaustion. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 25(1), 76-84.
Yagil, D. & Medler-Liraz, H. (2017). Personally committed to emotional labor: Surface acting, emotional exhaustion and performance among service employees with a strong need to belong. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 22(4), 481-491.
Medler-Liraz, H. (2016). The role of service relationships in employees’ and customers’ emotional behavior, and customer related outcomes. Journal of Services Marketing, 30(4), 437 - 448.
Seger- Guttmann, T. & Medler-Liraz, H. (2016). Does Emotional Labor Moderate Customer Participation and Buying? Service Industries Journal, 36(7-8), 356-373.
Seger- Guttmann, T. & Medler-Liraz, H. (2016). The Costs of Hiding and Faking Emotions: The Case of Extraverts and Introverts. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 150(3), 342-357.
Yagil, D. & Medler-Liraz, H. (2015). Clinical Expert or Service Provider? Physicians' Identity in the Context of Counter-Professional Patient Requests. Qualitative Health Research, 25(9), 1199-1211.
Medler-Liraz, H. & Seger-Guttmann, T. (2015). The relationship between emotional labor strategies, service provider hostility and service quality. Services Marketing Quarterly, 36, 210-225.
Medler-Liraz, H. (2014). Negative affectivity and tipping: the moderating role of emotional labor strategies and leader-member exchange. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36, 63-72.
Yagil, D. & Medler-Liraz, H. (2014). Feel free, be yourself: Authentic leadership, emotional expression and employee authenticity. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 21, 59-70.
Yagil, D. & Medler-Liraz, H. (2013). Moments of truth: Examining transient authenticity and identity in service encounters. Academy of Management Journal, 56, 473-497.
Medler-Liraz, H. & Yagil, D. (2013). The relationship between service provider ingratiation, customer emotion regulation strategies, and customer-related outcomes. The Journal of Social Psychology, 153, 261-278.
Seger, T. & Medler-Liraz, H. (2013). "Calling Again…" –Relationships between Customer Repeat Calls, Hostility and Service Quality. Services Marketing Quarterly, 34, 159-174.
Medler-Liraz, H. & Kark, R. (2012). It takes three to tango: Leadership and hostility in the service encounter. The Leadership Quarterly Journal, 23, 81-93.
Medler-Liraz, H. (2012). Service quality and tipping: the moderating role of the quality of food. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31, 1327-1329.
Seger, T., Medler-Liraz, H. & Guttmann, J. (2012). "If you are my friend, please don't fake your anger…" : The differences between friends and colleagues in faking emotions. Interpersona: An international journal on personal relationship, 6(2), 155-162.
Medler-Liraz, H. & Seger- Guttmann, T. Ethical dissonance, guilt and extra role behavior among service employees, 27th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference, Baveno, Italy, 2020.
Seger- Guttmann, T. & Medler-Liraz, H. Service employee gestures as deep acting evidence, SERVSIG International Research Conference, American Marketing Association, Paris, France, 2018. See Section B/19.
Medler-Liraz, H. & Yagil, D. The emotional and professional costs of pleasing customers, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, Bari, Italy, 2015.
Medler-Liraz, H. & Yagil, D. The relationship between service provider ingratiation, customer emotion regulation strategies, and customer-related outcomes, Israel Organizational Behavior Conference, Israel, December 2011. See Section B/6.