האקדמית ת"א יפו > פרופ' דלית נאור
לפרופ' נאור תואר ראשון (B.Sc) במדעי המחשב מהטכניון ותואר שני (.M.Sc) ודוקטורט במדעי המחשב מאוניברסיטת קליפורניה דייויס. את הפוסט דוקטורט עשתה באוניברסיטת סטנפורד שבקליפורניה ובאוניברסיטת תל־אביב.
בשנת 1996 הצטרפה למעבדת המחקר של יב"מ, ובמהלך השנים כיהנה בתפקידי ניהול ובתפקידים טכניים בכירים. בשנים 2001-1999 הייתה חוקרת אורחת במעבדת המחקר של יב"מ ב-Almaden, California. בשנת 2021, לאחר קריירה ארוכת שנים בתעשייה, התמנתה לדקנית בית הספר למדעי המחשב במכללה האקדמית תל־אביב-יפו.
בתפקידה כדקנית בית הספר מחזקת פרופ' דלית נאור את קשרי בית הספר עם עולם ההיי־טק בארץ, כשהיא שומרת על מצוינות ורלוונטיות אקדמית של תוכנית הלימודים ומכינה את הסטודנטיות והסטודנטים לקריירות בשוק התעסוקה הטכנולוגי והאקדמי.
Dalit Naor: Broadcast Encryption. In Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, 2005; and Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security (2nd Ed.) 2011, pp. 171-174
1. Too Big to Eat: Boosting Analytics Data Ingestion from Object Stores with Scoop. Yosef Moatti, Eran Rom, Raúl Gracia Tinedo, Dalit Naor, Doron Chen, Josep Sampé, Marc Sánchez Artigas, Pedro García López, Filip Gluszak, Eric Deschdt, Francesco Pace, Daniele Venzano, Pietro Michiardi. IEEE 33rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 2017. pp 309-320.
2. SDGen: Mimicking Datasets for Content Generation in Storage Benchmarks, by Raúl Gracia-Tinedo, Danny Harnik, Dalit Naor, Dmitry Sotnikov, Sivan Toledo and Aviad Zuck. Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST) 2015.
3. Estimation of deduplication ratios in large data sets, by Danny Harnik, Oded Margalit, Dalit Naor, Dmitry Sotnikov and Gil Vernik. IEEE 28th Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST) 2012: 1-11.
4. A Cloud Environment for Data-intensive Storage Services, by EK Kolodner, Sivan Tal, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Dalit Naor, Miriam Allalouf, Lucia Bonelli, Per Brand, Albert Eckert, Erik Elmroth, Spyridon V Gogouvitis, Danny Harnik, Francisco Hernandez, Michael C Jaeger, EB Lakew, Jose Manuel Lopez, Mirko Lorenz, Alberto Messina, Alexandra Shulman-Peleg, Roman Talyansky, Athanasios Voulodimos, and Yaron Wolfsthal. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom) 2011: 357-366.
5. Low Power Mode in Cloud Storage Systems. Danny Harnik, Dalit Naor and Itai Segall, The Fifth International Workshop on System Management Techniques, Processes, and Services (SMTPS 2009), Special Focus on Cloud Computing, col-located with 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPDPS)
6. Storage Modeling for Power Estimation. Miriam Allalouf, Yuriy Arbitman, Michael Factor, Ronen Kat, Kalman Meth and Dalit Naor. ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR) 2009, pp. 1-10.
7. Capability based Secure Access Control to Networked Storage Devices. Michael Factor, Dalit Naor, Eran Rom, Julian Satran, Sivan Tal. 24th IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST) 2007, pp. 114-128.
8. Preservation datastores: Architecture for preservation aware storage. Michael Factor, Dalit Naor, Simona Rabinovici-Cohen, Leeat Ramati, Petra Reshef, Julian Satran, David L Giaretta. 24th IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST) 2007, pp. 3-15.
9. Toward Securing Untrusted Storage without Public-Key Operations. Dalit Naor, Amir Shenhav, Avishai Wool. Proceedings of the 2005 ACM workshop on Storage security and survivability (StorageSS), pp. 51-56.
10. Object storage: The future building block for storage systems. Michael Factor, Kalman Meth, Dalit Naor, Ohad Rodeh, Julian Satran. MSST 2005, pp. 119-123.
11. The OSD Security Protocol. Michael Factor, David Nagle, Dalit Naor, Erik Riedel, Julian Satran. International IEEE Security in Storage Workshop (SISW) 2005, pp. 29-39.
12. Towards an object store. Alain Azagury, Vladimir Dreizin, Michael Factor, Ealan Henis, Dalit Naor, Noam Rinetzky, Ohad Rodeh, Julian Satran, Ami Tavory, Lena Yerushalm. 20th IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST) 2003
13. A two-layered approach for securing an object store network. Alain Azagury, Ran Canetti, Michael Factor, Shai Halevi, Ealan Henis, Dalit Naor, Noam Rinetzky, Ohad Rodeh, Julian Satran. International IEEE Security in Storage Workshop (SISW) 2002, pp. 10-23.
14. Revocation and Tracing Schemes for Stateless Receivers. Dalit Naor, Moni Naor, Jeffery Lotspiech. Advances in Cryptology – 21st Annual International Cryptology Conference (CRYPTO) 2001, pp. 41-62.
15. Clock synchronization with faults and recoveries. Boaz Barak, Shai Halevi, Amir Herzberg, and Dalit Naor. ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC) 2000, pp. 133-142.
16. Access Control Meets Public Key Infrastructure, Or: Assigning Roles to Strangers. Amir Herzberg, Yosi Mass, Joris Mihaeli, Dalit Naor, Yiftach Ravid. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2000: 2-14.
17. The Proactive Security Toolkit and Applications. Boaz Barak, Amir Herzberg, Dalit Naor, Eldad Shai. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1999: 18-27.
18. Parametric Optimization of Sequence Alignment. Dan Gusfield, K. Balasubramanian, Dalit Naor. ACM SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 1992, pp. 432-439.
19. On suboptimal alignments of biological sequences. Dalit Naor*, Douglas Brutlag. 4th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM) 1993, pp. 179-196.
20. A Fast Algorithm for Optimally Increasing the Edge Connectivity. Dalit Naor, Dan Gusfield, Charles Martel. 31st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 1990, pp. 698-707.
21. Representing and enumerating edge connectivity cuts in RNC. Dalit Naor, Vijay V Vazirani. Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (1991)
22. Efficient Algorithms for Generalized Cut Trees. Dan Gusfield, Dalit Naor. ACM SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 1990, pp. 422-433.
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