Bar-Noy, A., Peleg, D., Perry, M., Rawitz, D. (2022), Graph Realization of Distance Sets. International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, {MFCS}, 13:1-13:14.
Bar-Noy, A., Böhnlein, T., Peleg, D., Perry, M., Rawitz, D. (2021), Relaxed and Approximate Graph Realizations. Combinatorial Algorithms International Workshop, {IWOCA}, 3-19.
Bar-Noy, A., Peleg, D., Perry, M., Rawitz, D. (2021), Composed Degree-Distance Realizations of Graphs. Combinatorial Algorithms International Workshop, {IWOCA}, 63-77.
Feuilloley, L., Fraigniaud, P., Hirvonen, J., Paz, A., Perry, M. (2018), Redundancy in Distributed Proofs. International Symposium on Distributed Computing, {DISC}, 24:1-24:18.
Ostrovsky, R., Perry, M., Rosenbaum, W. (2017), Space-Time Tradeoffs for Distributed Verification. Structural Information and Communication Complexity – International Colloquium, {SIROCCO}, 53-70.
Censor-Hillel, K., Paz, A., Perry, M. (2017), Approximate Proof-Labeling Schemes. Structural Information and Communication Complexity – International Colloquium, {SIROCCO}, 71-89.
Patt-Shamir, B., Perry, M. (2017), Proof-Labeling Schemes: Broadcast, Unicast and in Between. Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems – International Symposium, {SSS}, 1-17.
Fraigniaud, P., Patt-Shamir, B., Perry, M. (2015), Randomized Proof-Labeling Schemes. Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, {PODC}, 315-324.