Zeligman, R. The application of Bion’s thinking to the study of trauma and dissociation. The International Paris Conference on Social Sciences VIII. Paris, 2023.
Blumberg, H. H., Zeligman, R. Appel, L., & Tibon-Czopp, S. An overview of the recent Psychological literature on cooperation and conflict. Conflict Research Society Conference, Canterbury, England, 2015.
Zeligman, R., Appel, L., Nadav, M., Shalev, H., & Shiber, A. The DSM-5 Diagnostic Category of Dissociative PTSD: A Rorschach Study. Society for Personality Assessment Annual Meeting, NY, NY. 2015.
Rothschild, L., Appel, L., & Zeligman, R. Applying a theoretically based approach to developmental processes in the Rorschach: Analysis of normative and clinical data in adolescents. International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.
Zeligman, R. British Object Relations perspective on dissociation. International Psychoanalytical Association Congress, Mexico City, Mexico, 2011.
Rusinek, H., Mikheev, A., Morowitz, L., Zeligman, R., Zaim, Y., & Lee, V. Coregistration of dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance images. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Pisa, Italy, 2011.
Zeligman, R. A psychoanalytic conceptualization of human movement in the Rorschach: A case study of trauma. Society for Personality Assessment Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2011.
Zeligman, R. An application of Bion’s theory of thinking to study dissociative disorders in the Rorschach. The Brazilian Congress of Psychology: Science & Profession, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2010.
Zeligman, R. An application of the Rorschach CS to psychoanalytic conceptualization of dissociative disorders. Society for Personality Assessment Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, 2010.
Zeligman, R. Dissociative states in the Rorschach. Society for Personality Assessment Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2008.
Balzam, A., & Zeligman, R. Potential space and the Rorschach: The dialectics between reality, fantasy and modes of experience. Society for Personality Assessment Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2006.
Zeligman, R., & Balzam, A. Dissociation as an adaptive defense: A Rorschach case study. Society for Personality Assessment Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, 2004.
Splitting in the Rorschach. Society for Personality Assessment Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2005.